Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 54 - Mr Skinner

It was only after some urging and nudging did Rui Li take interest in the merchandise the old lady was selling. They were suspicious of her identity so they played along with the skinner\'s game buying all kinds of candy and toys for Rui Li to make the transporter feel like his plan was working.

Their scheme seemed to work because five hours later a figure of a skinny old lady with a crooked back jumped in through the window in light footsteps as though walking on air. The powder was potent enough but something this trivial couldn\'t knock out these three no matter how high the dose.

Unfortunately, Mr skinner over here was so confident in his powder that was powerful enough to knock out a whale for three hours. He decided to go for the taller one first so using the guide of the bright moonlight he tiptoed over to the bed with the tallest outline.

Like a fiend in a horror movie, he towered over the victim as his fingernails grew rapidly till they resembled claws. Taking his sweet precious time as though savouring the moment he traced the outline of Rui Fei\'s body under the quilt with his claws and his lips arched into a maniacal smile that reached his ears. With the wrinkles on his face, he looked like he could scare someone to death.

The transporter leaned down as he slowly sniffed his prey before opening his mouth wide in a biting gesture. He might have been savouring the sweet moment but someone else was losing patients. Because he was taking a long time the one below the quilt suddenly said, "Hurry up, we don\'t have all night."

Mr Skinner, "..."

His entire body froze on the spot with a bug-eyed expression. Weren\'t they supposed to be passed out for at least twelve hours? He gulped hard with his ears ringing as he contemplated his next move.

Before he knew it he was surrounded by two children one with a sabre twice her size and the other in an offensive stance with his hands covered with a black mist in a ready position. It was apparent at that moment that there was going to be a showdown.

Rui Fei flipped over the quilt and his dark eyes glared at him coldly. Desperate to get away the transporter decided to do the unthinkable. He would never shed his disguise casually but today was an emergency.

At least this would buy him some time. He took off his old lady skin at a speed invisible to the human eye and flung it at Rui Fei before vanishing on the spot.

Rui Li, "Pfft..... I am so sorry. It\'s just too funny." And this was the day Rui Fei lost face in front of his siblings.

Pissed off to the extreme, Rui Fei gave chase. This man had not only outsmarted him in this past month, but he had also made him lose so much face in front of his siblings. Naturally, he wouldn\'t let him go. The two figures moved fast through the mountain forest in the middle of the night at a speed that could scare ghosts minding their own business.

Behind them, two figures followed but they couldn\'t keep up. The transporter\'s speed picked up when he finally realised what type of monster was chasing after him. He had underestimated these children before but he wouldn\'t make the same mistake again. The tall one\'s seraphic energy was beyond his expectations.

As tiny prey being hunted down by a beast ten times his size he knew he couldn\'t win. All his senses were stretch taut as he engaged the full strength of his aether to run away.

He even transformed into his true form to maximise his chances to get away but unfortunately, Rui Fei was gaining up on him. Out of desperation, he decided to jump into a nearby water body and hide underwater buying him some time.

This was the best decision considering that Rui Fei\'s seraphic energy had no traces of aquaphilia in it. He was indeed right, there was indeed no trace of it that\'s because it lay dominant in Rui Fei\'s aether. He indeed wouldn\'t be able to track his seraphic energy underwater neither could any of his siblings.

The stout man dove into the water and swam to the bottom of the lake with his fingers crossed. What he failed to see was Rui Fei\'s malicious grin as he stood at the edge of the lake. He couldn\'t track him but Rui Fei could most certainly drain that lake with little effort. The transporter had yet again underestimated his opponent.

The other two caught up only to find their brother half kneeling on the shore of the lake with his palm above the lake surface. A rush of grey fog like seraphic energy spread throughout his aetherial veins like a raging river. He suddenly opened his eyes that were as red as blood as he instructed, "Get ready to apprehend him."

The two didn\'t dally as they leapt into the air before hovering above the murky dark lake back to back. They nodded to their brother communicating their preparedness and gazed at the lake in preparation.

There was a sudden boom sound around Rui Fei raising a cloud of dust. From within the dust cloud, one could see a young man surrounded by a sinister grey fog with his sliver grey ends fluttering with the wind painting a transcended image.

In a split second, the water surface began to ripple making the stout man panic enough to release a myriad of bubbles. He had yet again screwed up and was about to pay for the consequences of his actions with his life. Two seconds later the veil of water covering him vanished into thin air exposing the weakling hiding beneath.

"Mummy," he mumbled before he was suddenly hit by powerful nightmarish shadows disorienting him. The resentment and fear from these shadows seep deep into his bones making him cower.

Before long he was struck again, this time it was a bright orange arc that slashed at his chest and sent him flying to the shore of the now none existent lake.

He half raised his body from the ground and coughed up a mouthful of green blood. But in the middle of his coughing, his line of sight landed on a pair of black brocade boots right in front of him.

Petrified he looked up only to be met by a pair of bloody red eyes glowing at him. Coupled with that psycho smile the transporter felt he had stumbled upon a devil.

"Make him talk," commanded Rui Fei before ambling over to the edge of the vanished lake. He wanted to interrogate this filthy man personally but he felt something originating from Niuq under the sediments of the lake.

Though the energy was low it was enough to invoke a strong desire to go home.. This in itself was suspicious especially when Rui Fei couldn\'t relate to the word home.

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