The Spider Queen

Chapter 529: A Secret Is Exposed...

Chapter 529: A Secret Is Exposed…

(Canis Major Star System)

(Outer Regions- Unnamed Planet)

“What are you looking at?” a soft silky voice melodically whispered.

This beautiful voice belonged to a slender snake-like alien with feminine hips and eyes that sparkled under the light.

She was currently wrapped around a handsome muscular man in his late twenties with a rough unshaven beard.

“Just looking at some footage from my old school…” the man replied with a low chuckle as he stretched out his hand to rub the alien’s scaly back.

The alien purred happily, and a blush appeared on her reptilian face. She leaned in closer, and her forked tongue licked the man’s cheek.

Strong sexual tension filled the air and just as the man was about to respond to her teasing… the door was suddenly opened.

“Archer! We need to… oh hell no! What… what… the … actual… fuc…” a young boy stammered in shock as he saw the scene on the bed.

The man on the bed laughed hoarsely and waved his hand.

Blue runic symbols hovered above his fingertips and the boy’s expression gradually turned wooden.

“You will forget everything that you saw here… I will come downstairs to meet the rest of the crew in ten minutes,” Archer whispered softly as his fingers danced to create a strange pattern.

The young boy’s pupils dilated for a moment before returning back to normal.

He closed the door and the sounds of his footsteps gradually got softer and softer.

“Sorry babe… looks like we’ll have to cut this short…” Archer spoke with a crestfallen expression as he gently touched the alien’s tail.

“I’ll be here waiting for you darling…” the snake-like alien sensually muttered.

“Well… as long as you have the credits…”

She winked mischievously at Archer who pulled up his pants and fumbled slightly to get his belt on properly.

He left the room but not before nodding at the alien who was still curled up on the bed and watching him with a seductive glint in her eyes.

Archer was in such a hurry to leave the room that he forgot his pocket communicator on the bed.

The circular metalloid device bleeped twice which alerted the snake-like alien who looked at it curiously.

She stretched out her long claw-like fingers and tapped the screen. A video began to play, and it showed what Archer had been watching just a few moments ago.

In the video a hybrid girl with four blade-like appendages jutting out of her back was slaughtering a group of enemies with impressive combat techniques.


A shocked expression flashed across the snake-like alien’s face as she looked closer at the features of the hybrid girl.

Golden eyes?

Blade-like appendages? No… surely not…

Those Arachnais cowards never ventured outside of the inner regions of the Insectoid Empire.

There was no way that one of them would even interact with much less dare to breed with an inferior human.

Just as the snake-like alien was about to send the video to her own device, the door swung open, and Archer re-entered the room.

“Darling! Darling! You forgot your communicator!” the snake-like alien smiled but inwardly she was cursing in her heart.

“Yeah… sometimes I forget… thanks for picking it up for me,” Archer smiled gently as he walked over and took the device.

“Oh? Did you see the video that I was watching?”

“Yes… I’m sorry… I must have tapped it by mistake when I was picking it up,” the alien lied with no change in her expression.

“Who was that hybrid girl?”

“That’s Duke Peterlor’s only daughter… can you believe it? The youngest god stage cultivator and a high noble has a hybrid girl as the heiress to his estate,” Archer casually replied.

Duke Peterlor’s daughter…

The snake-like alien narrowed her eyes and made a mental note to herself to investigate a bit further.

The Canis Major system was not technically part of the Earth Federation, but it was located only a few thousand light years away.

That was the reason why the gossip among the high noble circles did not spread among the people living here.

This was the first time that the snake-like alien had heard of this hybrid girl who was the heiress to a dukedom.

But she suspected that the hybrid girl hid an even darker secret… a parent who was actually a member of a high-level Insectoid species.

Perhaps a buyer would be interested in her knowledge… for a fair price.





(Hydra Star System- Planet Eleron)

(Elite Student Housing Complex- Mansion 456Y)

“Moon! Don’t think that you’re not going to get punished today!” Sophie furiously yelled as her frostwing bat sleepily opened his eyes.

Her combat beast pet stirred from his slumber and looked at his master who stood there with an expression of rage on her face.

“I cannot believe that you slept through the final round of the battle ranking exam after I spent all those months training with you!” Sophie gritted her teeth in fury,

Moon sensed that something terrible was about to happen and hurriedly flew out from beneath the bedsheets and headed for the door.

“Oh no you don’t!” Sophie growled darkly as her golden eyes narrowed into tiny slits. Her figure blurred and then vanished from the spot.

She reappeared next to Moon and wrapped her arms around the struggling frostwing bat so that he could not escape.

“Now… what punishment should I give you…” Sophie muttered quietly as an evil grin surfaced on her face.

Squeak! Squeak!

(Cleo! Help! Mommy is going crazy!)

Moon struggled to escape her grasp, but Sophie’s grip was impossible to leave.

The hybrid girl’s enhanced strength was more than enough to hold down her mischievous combat pet.

Just as Sophie opened her mouth to give Moon a fierce scolding, she heard a sweet voice coming from downstairs.

“Babe, I made some chocolate cakes… come down when you’re ready,” Cleo yelled happily as she walked towards the couch in the living room.

A silly smile surfaced on Sophie’s face and her anger was directly reduced by half.

She let out a heavy sigh as she saw the relieved expression that flashed across Moon’s face.

“Alright… I’ll deal with you tomorrow… just know that we are going to do five hours of extra training for an entire week… and if you dare oversleep again…” Sophie whispered softly.

“No. More. Late. Night. Shows.”

Squeak! Squeak!

(You wouldn’t!)

Moon looked up and saw the serious glint in Sophie’s eyes and knew that his master was not joking.

He nodded his furry head, so Sophie let him go with one final warning look.

The frostwing bat dove back under his sheets and refused to come out. Sophie laughed softly and closed the door to his bedroom.

She walked downstairs and headed for the couch where Cleo was waiting patiently for her girlfriend to arrive.

“Did you manage to punish Moon?” Cleo asked with a knowing grin.

“Shut up…. I’ll do it tomorrow…” Sophie sheepishly replied as she leaned in closer and planted a soft kiss on Cleo’s lips.

The kiss lingered for several minutes as Sophie stuck out her tongue and explored Cleo’s mouth with a hungry passion.

Her hands roamed around Cleo’s soft body and gently fondled and squeezed her two plump breasts.

A faint pinkish mist began to spread from the corners of Sophie’s eyes and Cleo knew that she was in for a long afternoon…

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